" You can't be what you can't see, and so representation matter s." Sandy Lowres is a fierce advocate of women's rights and empowerment and is determined to bring the often-ignored voices of women over 40 to the forefront wh…
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Sandy Lowres: Celebrating Wisdom & Experience of Women Beyond 40
Are you tired of going through peri and menopausal symptoms without getting the support you need? Have you heard that increased awareness and advocacy of menopause support is the key to getting the help you need? My special …
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Zali Steggall: An MP's Take on Menopause Education & Support
Are you tired of the same old ineffective and unrelatable advice for improving your health and well-being in midlife? Roma van der Walt, an entrepreneurial women's health expert and exercise professional, seeks to establish …
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Unlocking Midlife Health Secrets with Roma van der Walt
Get the most out of appointments with your doctor or GP by following these great tips from Dr Marita Long. In our chat, Marita was open to answering all of my questions and was honest about gender bias and education gaps tha…
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Dr Marita Long: How to talk to your doctor about menopause and perimenopause
How can we measure the true impact of perimenopause and menopause? By giving women a voice. Dr Linda Dear crafted and launched the most extensive online survey for women to share the impact of menopause on their lives with d…
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Dr Linda Dear on giving menopausal women in NZ and Australia a voice
How would you cope if your career and life's purpose rely on a strong, healthy functioning body and seemingly overnight menopause threatened to take all of that away from you? Allie Pepper is an Australian mountaineer with 2…
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How Allie Pepper, a world class mountaineer coped when menopause threatened to end her climbing career
Where can you learn everything you need to know about changes to your vulva and vagina during menopause, in one place? Right here!! Sitting down to record an episode with Dr Ardelle Piper was an absolute blast. Ardelle is ge…
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Vulvas, Vaginas and More with Dr Ardelle Piper (replay)
Professor Jayashri Kulkarni is one of Australia's leaders in the research and treatment of menopausal depression. I believe this episode, is the most important episode I have been able to bring to my Dear Menopause audience.…
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Menopause and Mental Health with Prof Jayashri Kulkarni
Imagine having not just one but two extraordinary women on a mission to fire other women up for their lives post-menopause cheering you on. That's precisely what you got when Lisa Kiebzak and Adrienne Kramer teamed up, not o…
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Lisa & Adrienne: Firing women up for life post menopause!
Do you know the signs of histamine intolerance? Joanne Kennedy is a Naturopath and specialist in MTHFR, histamine intolerance, gut health (SIBO), and women’s hormones. Joanne runs a successful clinical practice in Sydney, Au…
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Joanne Kennedy: Histamine intolerance and menopause
How cool would it be if this was a radio show and you could call in and ask me questions?! Unfortunately, that's not an option, although I hope it might be something we can play with soon. In today's episode of Let's Chat, I…
"I think that there's a great missed opportunity for trainers, professionals, nutritionists, and coaches to step down off of Mount Olympus and mingle with the mortals." Ren Jones was raised in a multi-generational female hou…
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Ren Jones: Understanding the subtlety of the female experience in the fitness industry
"Break the stigma, take a stand - join the movement to normalise being human in the workforce!" "Share from the scar, not from the wound" - Lou Johnson (not the original source) Lou Johnson is an almost 55-year-old publishin…
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Lou Johnson: Sparking conversations to normalise being human in the workplace
“If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine. It’s lethal.” – Paul Coelho Have you always wanted to travel to Morocco, but not yet had the chance? Well, you are invited to join a group of extraordinary humans and me on …
"We want to give women the power and the agency to understand their health - wholly." In this episode of the Dear Menopause podcast, Roma van der Walt, founder of Vitelle, chats with Sonya Lovell about why it's important for…
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Roma van der Walt: Giving women power and agency during perimenopause
"When women come together, magic happens." In this episode of the Dear Menopause podcast, Faith Agugu, a psychotherapist and empowered aging expert, chats with Sonya Lovell about the global positive ageing movement. Faith is…
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Faith Agugu: Transforming the Narrative Around Women and Ageing
Find out why I'm chatting with a middle-aged man with a passion for perimenopause and menopause. "I think that the constant challenge for people working in science and medicine in particular is the way that that evidence get…
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Phil Hayes-St Clair: Fiercely advocating for women's health
Discover the power of female voices to create a better future for the next generation. "I just took it on as my job, to go and do the research for them, connect them with the people that I knew, research who was a good perso…
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Sonya Lovell: Changing the World for the Next Generation of Women
Who will take the honour of the most downloaded episode in 2022? In this episode, we revisit the top 5 episodes you chose to listen to. Join me as I count them down, from five to one, and share a short extract from each. I l…
How do we change the narrative around menopause in the workplace? Professor Rebecca Mitchell, of Macquarie Business School, is leading a study that draws together Macquarie Business School’s Health & Wellbeing Research Unit …
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Prof Rebecca Mitchell: Researching the intersection of menopause and women's careers
Has menopause led to you shutting up shop on your sexuality? A few years ago, Susan Jarvis (in her own words) went from being a very horny, lustful ‘wench’ to someone who had virtually shut up shop on their sexuality. She on…
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Susan Jarvis: Stripping away stigma and expressing sexuality (NSFW)
Want to hear the unusual way that Kath Berry became interested in understanding menopause better while treating her female clients in Ibiza? Then you'll love this episode! Kath Berry is an Aussie, living in Ibiza. She's also…
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Kath Berry: A surprising discovery led to educating practitioners on managing menopause
Have you started feeling self-conscious at the beach? Are you covering up in a baggy old T-Shirt or worse, stopped going to the beach? Lyndal Sterenburg did too and one summer's day had a spark of an idea that would go on to…
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Lyndal Sterenburg: The story of Es Una and changing women's lives
As a woman in her 40s (or older), do you want to learn how to exercise in a way that moves you forward but also honours your body through day-to-day fluctuations? Olivia Park is a women's health and performance coach who hel…
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Olivia Park: Is your exercise working for or against you?